

Deforestation and what's better?
        Deforestation is a thing not to do very much because you make the environment the animal lived out of below. They are invading the perilous, because that is the area of their area. To have a beautiful nature also helps the environment of the forest it is for their own environment. Should not go to deforestation It is not correct, because not each time that much growth for several years. Strong like a tree than it has today.
By destroying the forest, this is the first thing they should do when it worked. To keep our natural disease thanya fires also reduce hospital hot too. Where they have been preventing deforestation together. In order to make them disappear, new stealth, then found this mod news, illegal loggers have a lot. Have the big man himself, Mr. a, and do not know, do not see her. By having neighbors help each other to bring out the wood's pupil. They considered it illegal itself. Also help them smuggle forests they have a channel move, not their own. Should be the eyes, ears, is to reduce these together. Just if they see anyone cutting wood in the county or district as the capital of the prohibitions. The mast can be done so by this place can inform the police or the Department of PA Mai it staff coordination for monitoring the HIG should take are the eyes and ears of the authorities tell them lol, which can be seen as something abnormal in the wood can also be trees to sell.Again, these beforehand, he worked with the same team of people working in government service as an aid to make it through the checkpoints, checking other staff. These he is smuggling the wooden cross. By bringing together conveying water or borders to immigrants rarely arrive in secret is widely. These people see that he's done and what are the benefits. Also has made solving the cover too.This is not good for our nature, because they will lose all the rare trees. Longevity more than a hundred years in a single day, which they cut the trees, forest fires also discarded her. In order to destroy evidence of itself heal the forest with a quarter of our budget-day intact. They can all go to deforestation. you just need to heal. The forest floor of the country took the saw nothing wrong, it should be chaeo, the inspectors come into care, which should do the unique to the forest of peace.
Rainforest environment invite rest before starting the job.
urbaneco forest
Different people are in life, we face today is that of its own, it is the job, but it gives us some peach. The holidays may be lying, but at your House or room. Symbolising the environment, it is the one, peach and fatigue as well, so we had to find a place to stay, relax? The natural environment may be one of the channels is one that allows us to be happy and calm to it. There is no pure black smoke or exhaust, similar to work or home that we own. Strange sound from other places in which we live. If seeking to have occurred in a forest is very much possible wake up each morning to watch as the Sun is composed of damaged birds that sing and will give us the power to work more with and prepared to fight. The natural environment and the built environment, there are knowledgeable people that result in both good and bad together, such as in our city, there will be plenty of industrial economic benefits, but our home city is huge, making our country more development occurs, but in m.Waterproof body back environment of cities and our world are tremendous. Of human environment has shifted. Today we were up every day because of the industrial plant, some chemicals causing substances cfc to destroy the Earth's atmosphere, some light down or fuzzy mirror phenomenon called someone's pupil. Cause inclement season and expected to move more. Better the world has advanced and grow big. Anyone would need more resources. and environment of the inhabitants of the Earth, everything has changed. To give back to the past, it's not working anymore. Help the world with us to with no deforestation
The social environment began to deteriorate.
urbaneco environmentThe environment in Thailand, our days and counting down the days started getting a regression. From the city to live in civilized lands, but first in our capital has changed drastically from region to United as rarely before in society to survive the tough dependence. Including the ideology that each person has not the same emotion. Whether it's a different story. The protests will always occur. Social conditions in the now resolved and cooperation from all sides. Water environment, such as air pollution, society is considerable. Most people who are in Bangkok, living in crowded and releasing waste water into the Canal saensaep Canal public preview in Bangkok, making spoiling. Aquatic animals killed, and took over all the brink. The environment within the city, it is filled with pollution from the flow of a motorcycle and a car affect humans directly. It makes our country a regression and backward until you make our country cannot pace in other Asian countries, and then. Since much of the social or political corruption that exists in many of our cities, but it does not have some good angles change. There are more advanced technology, which is imported from other countries. The society has a greater comfort, whether it is traffic. However, transportation is ranked as Asia's largest. There is a park allows us to relax with the shady weather gives us bright up again to get to this day everyone's tedious. Environmental causes, Bangkok land of color and excitement Most of the people are living at the capital city a lot. Because it is where people gathered in most countries. So it is not difficult to find a job. The environment of our capital city, there are both good and bad on the US would think to.
To fix the problem of the environment in the long term.
Various environmental issues that, if not addressed urgently and properly, then the issues will be even more intensified. If your looking to troubleshoot problems in the community, it will have to choose to use the principles that rely on a mix of personalities. Customary attitude. The traditions and culture of the lives of people in the community and need to be accepted and not disputed by a group of people in the community.
Some of the environment that occurs naturally Everyone in the community is the owner and has the right to use the mutual benefit. Everyone should have a duty to care for, and with, the community environment was improved. Although Government will have direct responsibility in promoting and maintaining environmental quality, but some operations may also have difficulty accessing the delay? Rely on the people in the community, cooperation, mutual assistance. Everyone should be treated on the environment is a national treasure, and puts the responsibility and duty of itself affect CHUM of fur, we will have to live together, environmental conservation, are in good condition with quality so that everyone in the community, to the public, to our families and ourselves and most importantly for generations have relied upon and take advantage of the good environment in the days ahead.
When community members all have a sense of their own roles and the environment of the community. Agree to sacrifice personal benefits. A little and to the benefits of the global community as a message. Not long into the future, within the community, it will be but a complete environment. Environment that will make everyone in the community can live with joy. Security in life. Health and healthy community, it will have, but good quality members. Makes our country developed as expected.
Slum that environmental issues should not be overlooked
On this planet, when humans are associated and related to it. Humans are grouped together. Build homes and housing, work and live together dependence which in this way is called a community. After that there are humans living together it will result in a change of environment, suitable for living. Living comfort and security in their lives. Environmental factors of one to make the quality of life, better Quality Of Life which is called, which split 6:
-Health All humans need good health, not illness, its. The overall environment, it affects our health, if good environment. The health of the people, it will be better.
-If the environment around us, then good. People in the community have been studied equally, then there is no problem in environmental, because when the people in the community, education, learn about the benefits and result in environmental destruction.
-Career and income. When people in the community have reasonable income and career, it would have to manage the development of the community, which have a positive impact on the environment.
-The environment. All around us, that is, if the environment environmental quality of life of the people in it.
-Soul (moral, religious). If people had a strong sense of it no one will destroy the environment, making the community a better place.
In the present issue arises from the slum, urban society than in rural areas. The main functions include supervision of the incoming housing properties and local organizations of legs. Troubleshooting a slum, became another important problem of urban society. Slum dwellings have grown lived crowded RAM. What consumer's lack of There are narrow to cover natural pathogens sarok galore. At present, we will see a slum has most of the cities, which are called the ghetto.
Environmental issues with the era changes.
Nowadays, in the era of transition to environmental issues, it is an issue that people worldwide will need to realize in the current environment because it is toxic and affect the work environment so poor that it would not be because the man is someone hurting environment.If we look closely, then consider maeng environmental issues, then the real issue it came from urban society with its massively live population. There are commercial production must meet with a number of consumer increased by era. As a result, many industrial plants occurred in Loei which is the destruction of the environment, which indirectly in the production of the raw materials, such as stone, clay, sand, which must be destroyed in order to produce. As a result, it is to make the resources of the overindulgence of natural causes. Environmental pollution can boast a variety of siege.
Environmental issues in urban areas.
-Air cons, which also caused in the air, so there are a lot of toxic contaminants until harmful to both people and animals, as well as damage to the homes and property of the people in a society where most of these dangerous toxins include carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, lead, hydrocarbons, dust, smoke, etc. and various postures.
-Waste water because the resettlement of urban community in Thailand. There is a housing development along the canals. There is water in the residential areas inhabit. In consumer In the past, the population is still not so much the amount of wastewater that is caused by a small amount, but today the population is more and more widely, crowded housing. Quantity of waste garbage volume has increased to accumulate and cause wastewater.
Send the poor environment pose a problem to the life of a human being.
CHUM chon congestion occurs in many countries, not just the country, only Thailand issues came in Bangkok have no jobs to go to the provinces. People who are in the provinces, it does not work so need to arrive in the capital until the problem occurs, followed by a social congestion and it's followed by an environment that is not likely to be issues of waste, including toxic air. The riot at the emotional impact of the congestion of people in society that the news will have noticed problems with the sea anti Negro. To make the people in society, then we must return to our environment first. Pollution around us are many and we couldn't ignore it, however, is the issue of the pollution paradigm (Visual Pollution), also known as vision tv, rounded as environment or CHUM chon city that has resulted from the issue of waste water, waste and air traffic congestion itself, which results in.Declare your health that caused the perception of beauty To hear the sound in which the awareness of pollution arising from a landscape perspective, but it doesn't affect the rail to affect the way the feeling makes the landscape the city looks beautiful, is not clear. Not being organized include building utilities. Community services and facilities, including advertising and public relations seen in abundance in a city slum occurred as an attractive environment is something that must help each other, starting from littering to be gracious and give it to a friend on the road.
The environment worse near by that you might have overlooked it, go to.
The environment is very important to our lives as much, because if we lack it, it probably is not. Although it is not possible, because if the environment is not good human beings, it will last a shorter than usual, conversely, if the environment is good, it makes us humans so long life. So it will be overlooked this story to life. In Bangkok, we then know that the pollution is very obvious things include:
1. the flood story is almost normal, that is if it rains at Bangkok's usually always flooding followed, then because of the poor drainage system. It also caused problems on the subject of waste that is abundant in capital and another factor in crashes, floods, it's inevitable that we humans have grown so disgusted with the precious structures into agricultural to overwrite the source or channel runoff.
2. the issues of air and noise pollution, it is obvious that organized traffic congestion in Bangkok is in crisis, which comes with eye problems, smoke pollution that affects the people living on the streets and people on foot directly and factory emissions, water is another matter, that we should not be overlooked, because it is the most important thing for human beings that it is if we lack water. Now it can be seen that by canals, it has polluted water that comes from the people who throw garbage into the River, Canal and industrial plant which released water along the River, which will affect what the Aquarium that is resistant of human food for us and if we eat, it will affect us.
We should have gone about this in earnest, not to anyone, to ourselves and to the living environment with our special.

If a good community environment, it is filled with.
When someone is born, it is often a lot of communities like humans are together as a group in order to provide the crowd together without causing problems, everyone needs to have a sense that the environment affects what residents help each other maintain a clean and dependence.
Environment, then, divided into 2 sections: the natural environment that humans are not built, including forestry, soil, minerals, animals, mountains, lakes and streams to the ocean floor. Air, River, man-made environment with plenty to lift the ban, for example, housing. The facilities in the House, cars, roads, cultural traditions, aircraft. Social and economic systems.
Sent to various environmental factors such as our community. By are traditions are what make us a people today. Social constraints we are making together. Our society needs a law that everyone must live under those regulations, because together is very often caused problems. But if the rules we live together and our environment, it will be great to go along with it, so it is the duty of everyone who lives under the environment in our world need to heal and cure, nature is to go through generations. To make our world a pretty easy. Because if the natural environment is not being beautiful, it makes a constant of human sleep to standing still, or in other words that have the effect of giving us longevity. If anything, we believe that with the good people we just want better conditions, environment, it is our duty to care.





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